1 hour voice lesson: PAYMENT ONLY




He really is friendly, but he lives in my voice studio as a tool to contain negative influences. In my teaching, I discovered that a student’s curiosity, freedom to play without judgement, and uninhibited exploration were the keys to both their progress and happiness about their instrument. The art actually became easier the more they engaged their inner seeker and play animal. Anxieties disappeared. Confidence grew

Each lesson is customized to an individual’s needs on both a vocal and psychological level.

Students have agency in their choices: some love the scientific minutia whereas others prefer imagery. There are those who feel safest in the context of structure and routine and others who love mixing things up.

In each case, my task is to optimize what makes each singer feel most confident, liberated, and safe. We cannot learn in a place of stress, anxiety, nor tension. Once we have quieted the inner monster both mentally and physically, we can focus attention on singular tasks (we know multitasking is not easy for the brain). The challenge of ‘what to think about when’ is the holy grail in our field and my goal is to optimize motor learning improvement to get to a place of automation. I integrate all of my experience in voice science, pedagogy, acoustics, visual biofeedback, kinesthetic pedagogy, and neuroscience to direct a pathway forward with the singer’s input. We can then design practice targets for them to use at home (including mapping time-off and rest, which are essential to learning). 

Every lesson ends with the opportunity to play.

It is essential to have a moment to access the root of our art. After all, we sing because we want to express the wonders of our inner self through the vehicle of great music! The satisfaction of running a piece without stopping, choosing character, emotion, or wacky directives that inspire a free, unencumbered process is essential for every singer. This is where we play.

My passion is to use my understanding of voice science, neuroscience, and psychology to make singers better faster. With joy. 

To schedule a lesson, make an appointment below - and if you have questions, reach out here.