Currently on haitus due to low enrollment…
However, PLEASE send me a message to be put on the mailing list!
a social journal club
Bring a cocktail or beverage of your choice and let’s geek out! This fun group-think is modeled after my scientific mentor’s ‘Telomere Club’ at Rockefeller University where we would drink beer and chat about historical papers on Friday nights. Bonds were formed, friendships created, and a lasting love for science emerged.
I will lead the discussion and explain the paper’s essence and applications to singing and vocal pedagogy. Who knows what doors will open?
ALL journal clubs are VIDEO RECORDED! Watch anytime!
Sample papers from PAST JOURNAL CLUBS:
Voices lost, and found
How ideas from neuroscience returned the gift of singing.
We will be discussing some of the cases in this paper AND TWO ADDITIONAL real-world cases that utilize brain-based pedagogy to rewire signals. View spectrograph data, learn the protocols, and hear first-hand results that will both shock you and inspire you.
(Learn about the one case that even surprised Renée Fleming in her Music and the Mind symposium).
Visual biofeedback, kinesthetic experience, music memory, pitch matching, body mapping, play, and neuroplasticity can solve many vocal problems once you understand how your BRAIN signals your instrument.
Bring some of YOUR cases and questions to discuss strategies!
“What Garcia got right:
understanding cortical signaling of the glottis”
In my column “Minding the Gap” from the January/February Journal of Singing
Evolution of vocal learning and spoken language
Stepwise acquisition of vocal combinatorial capacity in songbirds and human infants
How Breath is controlled in the brain
the Laryngeal Motor Cortex
How does the brain signal the articulators?
Parallel processing of speech in the auditory cortex